Universal Studios
Step into the movies at Universal Studios Hollywood, where blockbuster films and thrilling attractions come to life.

The Entertainment Capital of LA
Universal Studios Hollywood is where the magic of Hollywood meets the thrill of world-class attractions. Experience the excitement of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™, where you can explore Hogwarts™ Castle and ride the thrilling Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™. Don’t miss Jurassic World™ - The Ride, where you’ll come face-to-face with life-size dinosaurs in a heart-pounding adventure. And for movie buffs, the world-famous Studio Tour gives you a behind-the-scenes look at real film sets and iconic scenes from your favorite movies.

Tailored Experiences for Every Visitor
Whether you’re visiting for a day or planning an extended stay, we create personalized itineraries that maximize your time and enjoyment. From securing VIP Experiences that offer exclusive access to attractions and behind-the-scenes tours to arranging dining reservations at The Three Broomsticks™ or Springfield, U.S.A.™, we take care of every detail so you can focus on having fun.

Stay Close to the Action
While Universal Studios Hollywood doesn’t have on-site hotels, there are numerous nearby accommodations that offer convenient access to the park. We help you select the perfect hotel that suits your style and budget, ensuring you’re just minutes away from the excitement. Many nearby hotels offer shuttle services to the park, making your visit even more seamless.